The group uses their cellphones to film the destruction and send the footages through Internet. In New York, the college student Justine (Lorenza Izzo) joins a group of activists led by Alejandro (Ariel Levy) and he invites her to travel to Peru to protest against a timber industry that is destroying the Amazon rain forest.
Reviewed by claudio_carvalho 5 / 10 Unoriginal and Stupid I'm afraid that Roth's best work is still the genuinely shocking HOSTEL, a film which hasn't lost any of its scuzzy impact in the decade since it came out. Although the special effects are very good, there's a cheap and cheesy feel to the movie which means it comes closer to being laughable than genuinely horrifying. It's spoilt by needless toilet humour and general bad acting on the part of former SPY KIDS star Daryl Sabara and, yes, Izzo herself, who fails to make her lead in any way sympathetic. Roth delivers one outrageously gory scene of mutilation and murder for gore fans, but the rest of the story feels a little weak. After an inordinately long introduction the main characters survive a plane crash and are subsequently imprisoned by a cannibal tribe. The characters are an annoying bunch of liberals who decide to jet off to South America to protest against some loggers threatening a tribal village. Sadly, as with many pastiches, although Roth's heart is obviously in it, the end result is disappointing, a familiar re-run of themes and ideas that viewers will already be well-versed in.
#Green inferno movie torrent series
This one is a pure pastiche of the Italian cannibal sub-genre of film-making, and made by Roth as a tribute to a series of films he obviously loves.
THE GREEN INFERNO is the second Chilean film made involving Eli Roth, the first being the earthquake-horror AFTERSHOCK which also starred Roth's real-life wife, Chilean model Lorenza Izzo. Reviewed by Leofwine_draca 4 / 10 Cannibal carnage from Eli Roth